Peter Donohoe and Martin Roscoe

Concert Preview

Peter Donohoe and Martin Roscoe (two pianos)

Monday 23rd September
7:30pm at the Penrith Methodist Church
Tickets: £20 (students £5), at the door or in advance.

Peter Donohoe at the piano
Peter Donohoe
Martin Roscoe
Martin Roscoe

As a students Peter Donohoe and Martin Roscoe formed a piano duo and they have performed and made recordings together ever since. Martin is, of course well known to Penrith Music Club regulars and we look forward to welcoming him and Peter to Penrith.


MozartSonata in D major, K.448
Saint-SaënsVariations, op.35
DebussyEn Blanc et Noir
RachmaninovSuite no.2, op.17

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